The Adoption Process

Adoptions in Thailand only
In the past 11 years we’ve found over 1000 perfect homes in the vast area of Bang Saphan where they can run free. Coconut groves, rubber tree plantations, pineapple fields and fish farms are just some of the homes that our lucky dogs have gone to. We have also found homes further afield in Bangkok, Hua Hin and Chumphon where our dogs are enjoying Thai city life.
All our dogs are healthy, happy and full of fun. If you live in Thailand and are looking for a loving companion to fill your life with joy and happiness we have that dog for you.
We aim to re-home our dogs in couples, we’ve found over the years that dogs are much less stressed if they have a friend to explore their new home with.
When you are ready to adopt we will make sure that it is a good fit for both you and the dogs. We will deliver our dogs to you at their new home whenever possible. We’ve travelled 100s of kilometers to ensure our dogs have a safe home and that you are ready to care for your new companions.
Please note, we are sorry to disappoint but we do not adopt our dogs overseas. There are a few exceptions when regular volunteers have bonded strongly with one of our dogs and want to take them home, but it is our belief that dogs should be adopted from their own countries to avoid the stress of travel and to avoid rescue dogs in their own country from missing out on their forever home.

Adopting a dog is a decision that should be made with care and deliberation. A dog is not a toy or a clothing accessory; it’s a living creature. Too often, people adopt a dog because it is “cute” or “fashionable” rather than based on the merits of its behavior and energy levels.
The ideal situation is to visit your chosen dog several times before you take her/him home. You will already have begun the bonding procedure so your new companion won’t be completely terrified in the new surroundings. Bang Saphan is a wonderful place to take a few days holiday while you are bonding with your new friend.
Back home you should take your new companion to the room where he/she will have food and water. Talk to your dog softly and lovingly while you get the food and water ready. If your new companion eats immediately you will know that she/he has already begun to relax.
Buy a soft bed for your new friend and if you have been given a rug or sheet that your dog has been lying on put it in the bed. Familiar smells are a great way to get your new friend to relax. Put the bed against a wall to give your dog something solid to lie against for security.
If you don’t want your new friend to go outside for the first few days then buy a large plastic sheet and cover it with newspaper. Most dogs are usually very good at knowing this is the place to relieve itself. If you’ve adopted a puppy slowly move the sheet towards the door so he/she understands that outside is the new place to relieve itself.
Your chosen dog will settle in quickly if treated with patience and understanding. If you follow these procedures your new companion will be happily trotting around his/her new home within a few days.
We wish you both lots of luck and a future filled with great happiness.