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A black dog sitting at the healing centre
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The Woodfield Foundation

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As a small charitable foundation, we are never  prouder than when we can provide funds for spay and neuter which we are passionate about as it’s so important on so many levels . Sterilisation is vital especially for free roaming dogs, cats and to help poorer members of the Headrock community. It has beem especially rewarding to work and support Headrock Dog Rescue and their wonderful sterilisation program


Women United for Animal Welfare

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At WUFAW, we’re all about leading the way in protecting and improving the lives of companion animals around the world. Through education, advocacy, and hands-on action, we’re focused on reducing the suffering of dogs and cats, especially by tackling overpopulation on a global scale.

To achieve this, WUFAW promotes humane animal treatment through initiatives like free spay/neuter clinics, TNVR (Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return), and community outreach, alongside our dedicated Animal Care Team. We partner with rescue groups and animal clinics, in underprivileged areas, like HeadRock Dogs Rescue, supplying crucial veterinary resources, funding, and hands-on support. By empowering organizations in developing countries, we help them sterilize, vaccinate, rescue, rehabilitate, and save more animals’ lives.


CSB Logo compassion Sans Borders

Compassion Sans Borders 的成立是为了帮助世界各地的小型组织努力改善社区中动物的生活。 Headrock Dogs Rescue 是由我们的一位董事会成员推荐的。_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ 在我们的支持下,他们能够对泰国 Bang Saphan 地区的大量 Temple、street.. and beach dogs 进行绝育。


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K9Aid 是一个非营利慈善组织,在泰国、罗马尼亚和希腊等多个国家筹款和支持多个小型救援/庇护所。 


当 K9Aid 于 2014 年启动并在同年访问 Headrock Dogs Rescue 后,他们是我们选择支持的第一个庇护所,直到今天仍然如此。 


Verity 和 Thep 对他们照顾的动物的奉献堪称典范,在过去的 5 年里,他们在改善收容所、开展当地绝育计划以及为生病、受伤和脆弱的流浪狗提供安全避难所方面取得了长足进步。


在我们自己和其他人的持续支持下 ,Headrock 是一个真正的 godsend 给 Bang Saphan 的狗。




我们很荣幸成为 CUDDLY 的合作伙伴,这是一个很棒的筹款和愿望清单平台,在过去的 18 个月里一直支持我们的救援工作。他们帮助我们成功举办了超过 23 场筹款活动,使我们能够为救援犬提供最好的照顾。感谢 CUDDLY 和他们所有了不起的捐助者,感谢你们对 Headrock Dogs Rescue 的慷慨捐助!

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