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Thep feeding temple dogs


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“拯救泰国被遗忘的狗”计划的目标是改善 Bang Saphan 广大地区被遗弃、生病和受伤的狗的生活条件。该地区是一个死水区,成千上万的被遗弃和未绝育的狗在野外或在寺庙中生活。  在这个地区,地方政府的支持很少,兽医为有需要的狗提供优质护理的能力非常有限。


要治疗严重的病例,例如四肢或背部骨折以及严重的内部破裂和外部伤口,我们必须长途跋涉 100 公里或 200 公里到拥有执行必要手术的设备和技能的兽医处。这些诊所对许多狗进行了出色的手术,挽救了生命并使它们能够治愈并过上无痛的生活。


相关费用是我们“拯救泰国被遗忘的狗”计划中最大的限制因素。我们很幸运得到了 K9Aid 和 Cuddly 的支持。  这两个筹款平台都为我们的严重案件筹集了必要的资金,其中一些已全额认购,一些则没有。


Black Tea arrives at chumphon vet clinic

The program is dedicated to rescuing injured and sick dogs. The volume of road traffic accidents and cases of infectious diseases are unending. Heart-wrenching cases, including broken limbs and damaged backs, necessitate journeys of over 100 to 200 kilometers to reach specialized veterinary clinics. Every dog receives the critical medical attention it urgently needs including operations and recuperates with further medical treatment at our Healing Centre.


The program's overarching objective is to collaborate with local communities, ultimately facilitating their ability to provide better animal welfare. To learn more about our rescue work go to Rescuing Dogs and Rescuing Puppies

每年年初,我们都会实施一项计划,为位于 BangSaphan 市场区域周围的圣殿犬接种疫苗。我们还包括一些距离城镇 15-20 公里的寺庙。 


该计划还包括大约 100 只流浪狗。狂犬病接种疫苗 还提供给流浪狗和不在我们计划中的贫困居民拥有的狗,以努力使 Bang Saphan 远离狂犬病。

Monk helping outreach worker give vaccine to a black dog
Brown dog eating on roadside

Hungry dogs often suffer from weakened immune systems, making them susceptible to parasites and diseases. Moreover, the struggle for food in their daily lives can turn them aggressive as they fight for survival. This situation also leaves them vulnerable to injuries while searching for sustenance. Thus, feeding is a crucial aspect of our program.

If you follow news about dogs, you know what an extreme case of mange looks like. It's a common and distressing skin disease that afflicts dogs and puppies that have been abandoned, neglected, or subjected to abuse. These poor animals seem beyond hope—hairless, with skin covered in painful sores or encrusted with thick, hardened patches. Their condition can be likened to skin that appears to have turned to stone, making it heart-wrenching to witness.

mange dog.webp
Dog with Cancer on side of mouth


Cancer is a significant concern for aging dogs. Two of the most prevalent canine cancers are melanomas and mast cell tumors, primarily affecting the skin and often becoming apparent through changes in skin appearance or the emergence of suspicious growths. Lymphoma, originating in the lymphatic system, and bone cancers like osteosarcoma, which typically affect the long bones of a dog's limbs, are also common and worrisome. Early detection and treatment, along with regular veterinary check-ups, are crucial in addressing these health challenges and improving outcomes. Ongoing advancements in veterinary medicine provide hope for dogs and their dedicated owners facing these formidable obstacles.

我们越来越多地被要求拯救被汽车撞到的狗。在司机不那么小心的节日期间,寻求帮助的请求急剧增加。背部、腿部、下巴骨折、骨盆破裂和严重瘀伤很常见。拯救这些狗的时间至关重要,距离最近的拥有必要手术设备的兽医有 100 公里。我们的外展团队立即做出反应,将狗运送到紧急治疗场所。


每个月我们都会审查我们的外展工作以确保 救狗 拯救小狗干预有针对性、有效。

Vet neutering a dog
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